Sunday, August 30, 2009

Glowing Grill

Glowing Grill
Originally uploaded by surfinsandy23

The other day while looking through some of my most recent photos, I noticed that I haven't been playing around with post processing very much lately. This is one area of photography that I love to play with.
I took several shots of a few cars and trucks at a cruise in the other night, but they just didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. They were images I really wanted to keep, so I decide to play, and I felt like an artist who hasn't held a brush in a long time! It was fun, even though I was feeling a little rusty!
After a few attempts at different effects I got this one that I liked best. I like how it brings out the reflections in the chrome and polished surfaces, and the contrast. To me, it just seems to bring out the character of a cool old truck!
This one, by the way, was a 1950 GMC. A model we don't see as often at the local car shows and cruise ins. This truck parked next to us, and I had to control my drool over it, I really enjoyed looking at it a lot!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Over 600 Views!

Over that last few months I have been passing out little cards to direct people to this blog, and I have been getting more views. I don't get any comments, so I wonder who is taking the time to stop by and what they think of what they see.
My previous post I described my most recent trip to a local car show. I have uploaded more photos of that event to the YourKyPhotos web site.
I have links on this site directing viewers to that site just to make it easier, as I know typing in a url can be a test of patience, and even a gamble if you are prone to making typos.
That site where I sell selected photos lets me, as a contributor, see how many people are viewing my photos and albums, and I must say I'm quite impressed with the large volume of visits to my recent album. The current count is over 600 and still counting. Why am I impressed? I only passed out 3 business cards during that event, and I seriously doubt there were even half that many people at the event itself!
Now, I'm the first person to admit that math is not one of my strong suits, but that is quite an astounding number for this small town gal.
But I'm not celebrating this simple milestone. Why? Because out of all those views of an album containing only 13 photos, not one single order has been placed! I would like to think if my photos are good enough to be looked at hundreds of times, they are capturing someone's interest in some way, and the photos are also (if I do say so myself) worthy of ordering a print or two!
So if you are one of those fine folks who is taking the time to visit my blog and visit my folders in YourKyPhoto, the best way to share those photos with your friends and family is to get a print or two made! Tell everyone who took the photo, and tell them where you got it so they can get a print of their own! The best thing about photos is sharing them and the memories they capture for you!
While you are here, leave me a comment, or email me one. I would love to hear from my viewers, and I would especially love to hear from some of the folks I've met at the various events. A please don't be shy about ordering a print or two from me, I'd really appreciate and I'm sure you'd enjoy having it!
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Perryville Cruise In

Perryville Cruise In
Originally uploaded by surfinsandy23

It's been a summer of car shows, and there's no sign of it dwindling yet!
Last week while reading my local newspaper, I saw that a Cruise In was planned in Perryville. Their first time giving it try, it sounded, as they are trying to raise money to fix up the down town area. Perryville is a little bitty town in western Boyle County, Kentucky, just a few minutes from where I live. It's a cute little town, fairly quiet most of the year, with the exception of one weekend in October when there is a Civil War reenactment at the Battlefield. If you enjoy seeing small town America, this is a great little place to visit, but to capture the small town charm, try to avoid Battle weekend, because the area is just swamped with tourists then, even though the battle is a real treat to visit, too.
The Chaplin River runs right through town, and history has shown it to get out of it's banks from time to time, even causing the fire department to post a truck on each side of the bridge to be able to help either side of town in case of an emergency when the flood waters would cover the bridge you see in the back ground in this photo. .
The river has been tame this year, and it provided a lovely backdrop for the car show on this hot and sticky summer day. Those of us who were able to find the shade of a big tree were very grateful.
The car show started at 4pm and was to last until 9. There wasn't a huge turn out, but it doesn't take many cool cars to draw a crowd, and have some fun. Every car show we go to we see new cars and meet new people, and this one was no exception. No two car shows are ever alike, and we always come away from one feeling like we've made new friends. I only wish I had the time to meet everyone there, as it seems every car that shows up represents a great story about how it got there or just the interesting people who own them.
We also had some entertainment at this car show. A local Elvis impersonator showed up to distract us all from the summer heat with his talent and warm personality. A true performer who obviously loves his audience!
Good bbq and a bake sale rounded out the event, as well as seeing familiar faces. For those who missed out on it this year, be looking for it again next year. Maybe we'll see you at the next car show!